Saturday, June 14, 2008

I had to post now (it's after midnight) because I know our weekend is going to busy and then next week is the last week of school which is always a crazy time! So, here goes...

Today was a beautiful and warm day in Olympia. Taylor got a new sprinkler for her birthday and has been dying to use it! As soon as I picked them up from daycare she said that she thought it might be a good day to use it. We got home and the girls got in their swim suits and didn't waste any time getting the sprinkler going. Taylor had a blast~ Maddie? Not as much fun! She let Taylor drag her in one time and once her feet got wet and had grass stuck to them she was DONE! She cracks me up! It was a nice way to end our Friday~it has been a long week!

Taylor jumping through the sprinkler!

Maddie was all smiles once she was done being dragged through the sprinkler!

2 sweet girls enjoying each other's company!
I had to let everyone know that I successfully unloaded all 47 boxes today that were delivered to the house for our closet organizers. The woman on the phone said that it should take around 2 hours to do this- At 2 hours I think I had done only 19 boxes! I finally finished somewhere at the 6 hour mark! Not bad for doing it all by myself. I pity my darling husband who has to actually put all those pieces together tomorrow! I am glad that I will be upstairs wiping dust off the walls :)

I kid you not~ This is what Dave and I came home to one day after work!

I hope everyone is off to a great start to their weekend! As my dear friend Jenna always says....Smiles and Hugs to Everyone!

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