Monday, December 6, 2010

A Fun Saturday!

My sister, Emilie, Trey and my mom came to visit for the weekend while Dave was away at the Apple Cup (don't worry...he made it home in one piece and only lost his voice!). We had the best time! We started our day by heading out to lunch...don't get too excited, we went to Old McDonalds. We had a goal to fill up the kids so that when we had them sit on Santa's lap (our next adventure) that we would have no complaining! It worked! For the first time in six years I have a picture that has two children SMILING in it! Go figure! And, they even talked to him this year! Yay Taylor and Maddie! Emilie and Trey were a different story- both initially cried but in the end they too ended up smiling. I don't have any pictures yet of the kids sitting on his lap- we found this great little shop in downtown Olympia that was an actual studio and I got the feeling that pictures from other cameras weren't aloud so I resisted. I'll post the picture once I get it!

Sweet Cousins!

Emilie, Taylor, Maddie and Trey!

After Santa pictures we headed to the painted plate where the kids all painted ornaments. It was Emilie's first experience and she was very intent on her painting! My girls love to go to the paper plate as they call it and were excited to share their time with Emilie. We ended our downtown visit with a walk through some great shops until the 3 girls were done!

Getting ready to paint!

Taylor working on her Gingerbread Man!

Emilie working on her bird!
Maddie girl working on her snowman!
Emilie enjoying her ice cream after painting :)
With the girls! Love them!
Maddie girl in Trey's car seat...she thought that was pretty great!
We came home and watched the game and just visited. A great, busy fun filled day!

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