Sunday, May 19, 2013

First Grade Tea Party!

Last Monday, Maddie invited us to her end of year tea party. It was a big deal. So big that Maddie wore a dress AND did her hair! So big that both mom and dad took a half day to be there with her. It was so worth it. Our baby is growing up and she is turning into this amazing little human; she's smart, witty, gorgeous and confident.
The tea party started with an adorable performance by Maddie and her classmates. They sang a funny and cute version of I'm a Little Tea Pot. 
 After the performance, Maddie got to share with us her writing!
 But not before I took way too many pictures of her!

 The tea party fell on a Monday which was perfect! My mom and Carolyn both got to come and see her perform!

 Meet Kylie and Willow! Maddie's 2 BFF's from school, her partners in crime. Trouble with a capital T!

 Her teacher also threw in a bit of Mother's Day at the tea as well. Loved what Maddie had to say about me!
 Here is a sample of Maddie girls writing. Hard to believe she's writing about dogs :)

 We did eventually drink a bit of tea as well! Such a fun afternoon celebrating Maddie and all her hard work in first grade this year! She has come SO far since the beginning of the year! We are so proud of her! We love you Maddie!

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