Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Grandma Kathy's Birthday!

All 3 of the girls wore these adoreable matching outfits (thanks to Katie, Jill and Brent!) to church on Sunday!

We celebrated my mom's birthday on Sunday! We started our morning off by going to church with her. This was quite entertaining as we had one stuffed pew full of kids! There certainly wasn't a dull moment the entire time! The girls kept moving all over the place from aunt to aunt and the babies were busy visiting with everyone! We came back to my mom's house to a smoke filled home- Dave had been cooking a yummy egg casserole for brunch and it had spilled all over the bottom of the oven. When he went to turn the oven up to cook the hashbrown patties it got quite smoky! All the food still tasted delicious and we all enjoyed visiting with one another (all 3 of the girls were actually very good during our brunch- a rare treat!). In the late afternoon while Emilie napped my mom, Darci, the girls and I walked to the local park. The sun was out but it certainly didn't feel like spring! The girls had a blast though and we are all looking forward to more trips to the park as winter begins to leave. When we got back home, mom wanted to play Scrabble (her favorite) so we all sat down to do that. Paul ended up beating all of us! We ended our very fun day by going to my grandma's for a party in honor of my mom.

Taylor loves this swing!

Maddie couldn't believe her hair was "sticking up" every time she went down the slide!



I will leave you with some pictures that Taylor took at the family party for my mom. I thought these were funny! I think it might be time to get her her own kid camera!

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