Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pumpkins and Gourds!

In the past, we have always gone and done the whole pumpkin patch thing with all the bells and whistles...train ride, hay ride, maze, games, petting zoo- you get the idea. This year though, Jerry asked us if we wanted pumpkins (free ones, I might add) from a friend of his who grows them in his backyard. I didn't have the heart to say no and so we went today and his "backyard" was more like a huge farm with too many acres to count. Although it wasn't filled with people and there weren't any train rides it was actually quite simple and nice. We were the only ones at the farm, they had tons of huge, bright orange pumpkins to choose from and the girls didn't seem to notice or care that this wasn't the usual pumpkin patch that we go to. Our front porch is now filled with 8 pumpkins waiting to be carved! The best part of the trip for me was before leaving we drove to another part of the farm and I got to pick out as many gourds as I wanted. They are gorgeous!

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