Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pemberton/Anderson/Sieck Christmas!

The day after the Myers Christmas we headed to Bothell to be with my family for the day. It was so nice to be with everyone! The little one's played like crazy and the adults had a good time visiting and catching up. After a yummy taco bar we had a gift exchange with one another. This year in August we drew a name of someone in the family. It was fun to watch and see who had who and what they had picked out for their person. The girls had fun giving their presents to the person they drew; Maddie had John and Taylor had Emilie. It was an all around fun time!

This was the best picture I could get...Emilie was not thrilled at all to be having her picture taken by her Auntie Heather!

Maddie helping John open his present that she wrapped for him all by herself!

Kelsey and Taylor playing with her new toy from Grandma Oh-Oh! I love this picture!

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