Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cavity Free!

Both the girls went to the dentist over mid winter break. We were so excited to learn that both girls were once again cavity free! This was Taylor's fourth visit to the dentist and she got a T-Shirt from Dr. Kapust for no having any cavities since she first visited him over 3 years ago! Yea Taylor! She decided that she would probably just wear this t-shirt to bed and not to school (I like her thinking!!)

Look at me, I'm cavity free!

Maddie didn't earn a t-shirt from the dentist as this is only her third visit. She really wanted her picture taken anyways so here it is! This seems to be a common picture in our household these days. She has officially become a girl who HATES to wear underwear and if she can get away with it she prefers to wear absolutely nothing while at our house. So, the next time you see Dave or I and wonder why we have no hair left you'll know why :)