Friday, September 3, 2010

Meet the Teacher Night!

Maddie got to go and meet her new teacher, Mrs. Koehler, last night! She was quite excited that we let her choose one of her new outfits to wear! She proudly brought in her school supplies and then upon meeting Mrs. Koehler she quickly found my leg. Right after meeting the teacher she found the Little People toys and was as happy as could be!

I am really excited for Maddie to be starting her Pre-K school next Wednesday. Last year, the preschool she went to really focused on social topics which was just what she needed for an introduction to school. I'm ready for her to start doing more academic things as well and feel that this program is going to provide her with both great academic and social settings.

I'll be back with pictures of Taylor's Meet the Teacher Night soon and of course first day of school pictures! Wishing everyone a Happy Labor Day Weekend!

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