Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas!

What a fun Christmas we had! It was especially fun to watch Maddie this year- everything was so exciting for her and she was thrilled by everything she received- giving lovely hugs after each present was opened. It made my heart melt quite frankly. Taylor was excited as well but she has always been like that- so it was fun to see Maddie in that role this year. Santa brought Taylor a skate board and her own video camera and he brought Maddie a guitar and a video camera. All items have already been put to good use! In the afternoon we had my family, Carolyn, Mindy and her family and Jerry and his family over for Christmas dinner. It was a packed house but very fun! I do enjoy hosting and it was nice to put my Christmas dishes to use! After everyone left, my mom, sister, Paul, Emilie and Trey stayed overnight and we did gifts with them. After the kids went to bed the adults exchanged gifts as well. We stayed up late into the night eating and drinking! Fun times with lots of good memories!

Dinner plates for the guests. The girls and I made these for everyone. They were a hit!

Paul made Dave a cribbage board out of an old end table for Christmas. It was a favorite! Summer cribbage has never looked better...hurry up sun and get here!

This was the best picture I could get of the four of them! They were anxiously awaiting the time to open all the gifts under the tree- these were all just from Grandma Kathy! Can anyone say spoiled?

Taylor and her skate board from Santa! She's already been riding it in the garage- she'll be great with a little more practice!

Maddie and her new guitar from Santa! She cracks us up- she'll randomly come out of her room with it strumming a song :)

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