Friday, January 21, 2011


Maddie decided that she really, really, really wanted to take ballet. She had already taken a mommy and me (it was actually a Grandma Kathy and me) class when she was three and she just really didn't enjoy it all that much. So I was hesitant to sign her up.
Lets just say I'm glad I did! If not for anything else but for the pure joy on her face when she got to put on these brand new (yes, her very own!) ballet shoes. She insisted on me taking multiple pictures of her new shoes!

She and her friend Macie are in the same class. Maddie did an amazing job of following directions and participating without hesitation! Here are Macie (in the pink) and Maddie (in the black)...I can't resist cute buns in leotards! :)

Maddie is so excited to go back next week! Every morning she asks: "Is it Monday today?" I'm one happy momma! I love that she has something to call her own and that she is loving life!
And to all family members....coming near you in June...hold your breath.....wait for it.....a DANCE recital in June! yes, Papa, this includes you! You are due for a nap right? :)

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