Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy 2001!

We ended our 2010 and brought in the year 2011 with our friends the Kovals, Gentrys and Longmuir's. It's become a tradition to choose a house, make a ton of food, graze all night on it, play board games (our favorite is Things) and let the kids play together. I love it because it's low key, stress free and FUN! This year was no different! In fact, all the kids are getting older and have become so much more dependent that we even broached the subject of maybe, just maybe next year leaving the kids with grandparents so that we could go stay the night somewhere and have an adult New Years. We are thinking that might be fun for a year and then we would go back to our regular tradition :)
We wish everyone a Happy New Year! I hope it's been off to a great start for everyone!

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