Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mustache Bash!

I mentioned in an earlier post that I've become obsessive about Pinterest . Obsessive could be an understandment. Just saying. One of my friends is getting ready to have her second baby in a few weeks. So, Krista and I threw her a baby shower this past weekend. Krista did all the food and supplied the clean house and I did all the decorating. While perusing through pinterest a while back I came across a few blogs that had done a mustache themed baby shower and I got to thinking about how cute that would be for Krista and I to do. I had a ton of fun making all this stuff and loved seeing our friends face when she saw it all! We are looking forward to adding baby Wesley into the mix soon!

Another of my obsessions via pinterest these days.....couldn't resist this for the shower!

Welcome to the Mustache Bash garland!
This got some giggles out of our friend! From L to R....their daughter, Jen and Dave.
People wrote a love note on a mustache for baby Wesley and then clipped it up for Jen to take home with her.
Mustache onsie garland!
Yummy cupcakes with mustache, bow tie and little man toppers!
And my favorite? A photo booth! (remember, I told you that you'd see this again!!) This is our friend Jen as cute as can be! She is a total picture fanatic and so this was the perfect thing for her shower! She had lots of fun posing with all her friends and family!
Love my friends! From L to R- Jen G., Jen. L, me, Krista

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