Monday, June 16, 2008

The Big Cleaning Weekend!

Dave and I spent all weekend at the house getting ready for the big move. After almost a year of construction there was a TON of sawdust and dirt to clean up. My job was to clean and Dave's job was to install all the closet organizers. It took him and two of his friends the entire day! I think they worked over 12 hours on the closets! They did a great job though and they look amazing!! The cleaning really made our house look like a house. It will probably still need another wipe down before we move in but I am happy that it is all cleaned up. We are still waiting to call for our final inspection- we have to do our final grade on our front yard and we have to build our front steps. We are keeping our fingers crossed that this will all happen this week. I am not stressing if it doesn't happen- my week is horrible in regards to being pulled every which way. It's the last week of school (we are out Thursday), I still have to write 25 report cards and it is also my last week of my master's program! Busy times! I will leave you with the highlight of my weekend ( Okay, it might not have been the greatest highlight, but it brought a HUGE smile to my face!)

I have heard people say that when the Porta-Potty finally leaves your property that it must be time to move in! Hip, Hip, Hooray!

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