Saturday, June 21, 2008

The First Sleepover in the New House!

The girls have begging us to sleepover in the new house and so Dave and I decided to give it a try last night. We don't have anything in the house yet (still waiting for final inspection...deep breath Heather!) so we brought two mattresses and a blow up mattresses down to the house. We had popcorn, read stories and snuggled in together. It was quite fun. However, let me break down the evening for you so you can get the whole picture on this event!

8:00- We all head down to the house with mattresses, blankets, books, drinks, popcorn, pillows and stuffed animals and babies.

8:05- Everything is set up and we start eating our popcorn.

8:30- Girls are running around the house, Dave and I are putting together new kitchen table chairs.

8:45- Story time (Fancy Nancy and Faces of course!)

9:00- Lights out

9:01- Maddie says: "I want to sleep at Grandma's house"

9:02- Taylor says: "I want to sleep at Grandma's house too"

9:03- Dave has both girls in his arms carrying them back up to Grandma's house.

9:15- Everyone is snuggled into their own beds fast asleep :)

Taylor and Maddie eating popcorn at the new house!

Maddie and Taylor snuggled up in their "bed" and smiling big for the camera!

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