Monday, June 2, 2008

Taylor is 4!

It's official....Taylor is 4!

What a fantastic and fun birthday weekend- yes, I said weekend, Taylor had! On her official birthday she requested that we have steak and rice for her birthday dinner so we had a quite evening at home with my mom, Dave's mom and Jerry. She loved getting presents (what 4 year old doesn't?) but her favorite present was her Fancy Nancy Doll that her sister gave her!

Taylor's Fancy Nancy Doll!

On Saturday, Taylor made her debut as a ladybug at her ballet recital! She was very nervous about the whole thing but when it was all said and done, she went out on stage in front of a lot of people. Now, had you been there you would know that she looked as if her parents had forced her onto the stage- she didn't smile once, kept rolling her head all around like she was bored out of her mind and I do believe I saw her pick her nose once! We are quite proud!! After the recital, the entire family came over and helped her celebrate her birthday. Everyone got a sneak peak at the almost complete house and had a nice time visiting with everyone! Thank you to all of our wonderful family for helping Taylor celebrate her special day! We appreciate all that you do for her!

Taylor (3rd one in) at her Dress Rehearsal!

Taylor after the recital!

I consider myself to be pretty crafty- but not in the cake department! I was pleased though with how my 1st attempt at a 3 tier cake turned out!

Now, remember, I did say birthday, Sunday came along and we got ready for Taylor's Fancy Nancy kid party! If you don't know who Fancy Nancy is she is a little girl who loves to get fancy (which fits Taylor to a tee!). Per her request, her guests arrived dressed as fancy as they pleased! The kids enjoyed making fancy journals, princess wands and eating Parfaits (that's a fancy word for Ice cream sundaes!). Everyone had a great time....and what can I say? I had a great time as well, but am glad that it's a whole year until Taylor has another birthday! Happy Birthday to our Taylor Bug! We love you lots!

Daddy and Maddie dressed quite fancy! (You can't see it but Dave's bow tie lit up! Nice touch!)

Here are a few of the guests (and myself) all looking quite fancy!

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