Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sugar Cookies-Yum!

As I was packing and getting ready to head to Crescent Bar for a week with the girls and my mom, Taylor asked me if we could make some cookies to take with us. I told her that would be great! When I went to get the chocolate chips out to start making the cookies with her she quickly informed me that she didn't want to make those kind but the one's where you can put sprinkles on them when they are done cooking. Now, I was fine with the chocolate chip cookies, but sugar cookies? UGH! As most of my family knows one thing that I have always detested doing with a passion is making sugar cookies. I remember vividly having to sit with my sister and mom on the night before Easter decorating hundreds (well, it sure felt like hundreds!) of sugar cookies. I have carried my wonderful attitude about sugar cookies throughout my lifetime; both my mom and sister still joke with me about making them. I usually only do it once a year, at Christmas, with the girls and the last time we did it, quite frankly, it was not fun- both were too little and lost interest quickly in it and I ended up having to frost and sprinkle the cookies by myself! So....was I excited to do this? Not in the least bit! But did I do it? Of course! and you know what? It was actually fun! Having my own kitchen now made it that much better right off the bat and Taylor really did help me with all the mixing and measuring. When it came time to frost, Taylor stayed with me the entire time! Maddie even joined in at the very end of our frosting time (just in time to lick the bowl!) So, I guess I will eat my words about sugar cookies for now....

Taylor hard at work!

Maddie didn't frost many cookies...she was too busy licking her fingers!

Maddie and Taylor being silly!

The finished product! Yum!

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