Saturday, October 11, 2008

Jessie and Lady

Every year one of Dave's former students who played basketball for him calls him up and invites the girls to her grandparents farm to ride her horse. Today the girls and Dave (I stayed home and enjoyed some quiet time!) headed to the farm for their annual visit. The girls were full of excitement when they arrived back home. Taylor rode Lady all by herself (way to go Tay!) after she got comfortable riding with Jessie. Maddie really had fun too but had to have Dave ride on the horse with her to start with. She ended up riding with Jessie by the end of their time together. The pictures will show just how delighted Taylor was with riding Lady (I was proud of Dave because he took a ton of pictures!) and just how nervous Maddie was about the whole thing. What a fun experience for the girls! Much thanks to Jessie for her kind invitation.

I LOVE this picture...

I think Dave is having more fun in this picture than Maddie is!

2 sweet girls! (Please disregard Taylor's shirt being up! Ugh!)

She is so proud of being on a horse all by herself!

Maddie and Jessie riding Lady!

(For some reason, this picture of Taylor was uploaded twice and for some reason it won't let me delete it....)

1 comment:

Darci Desilet said...

I love those pictures of the girls on the horse--especially the one of Tay (pictured twice!). They are so sweet. Thanks for making the drive up to the shower! It was fun to hang out before. LOVE YOU ALL!!