Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Santa Pictures

We made our annual trip to the Seattle Nordstrom's yesterday to have Taylor, Maddie and Emilie sit on Santa's lap. We usually go on a weekend and this year we decided to take a day off from work and see if the line might be shorter. We were very happy when we arrived to see that you could open the door and walk in. It was so cold outside that I was really excited about that! Once we got inside we had to wait for about an hour (much better than our usual 3!). All the kids did a great job in line and were so excited to see Santa. Of course, as soon as it was our turn, the excited part turned into pure panic- especially for Maddie. As you can see by the pictures she was not a happy camper and she told me later as I was buckling her into the car that she was "Very afraid of that man!" Me being the horrible mother that I am made her get the picture taken anyways...childhood memories right? Taylor didn't cry this year and she actually looked at the camera (a big step up from last year) however I don't believe I saw a smile in any of the pictures. When I asked Taylor what her favorite part of our weekend with Grandma Kathy was she said: "Today, Mom when I got to see Santa". Go Figure! Emilie did really well! She had no idea what was going on. Darci plopped her on Santa's lap, tried to grab his beard a few times and gave us a smile! After the Santa pictures we headed to lunch and then back home....I hadn't been home yet and had no idea if the roads were icy or not and I didn't want to go down our winding hills with the girls in the dark- we made it home okay though! We had a blast (the adults at least!) and will definitely be going again next year during the week. Merry Christmas!

We have just arrived in Seattle- everyone is happy!

Emilie entertained lots of people while we were in line waiting to see Santa!

Can you see how quickly we went from happy to quite sad? I love it!

This was probably one of the most comical pictures to try and take! Emilie kept sliding off the girls laps because their dresses were so slippery!

Such a cute first picture with Santa!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

So cute! I love the one with Emilie slipping off the girls' laps.