Sunday, February 1, 2009

Maddie Girl is 3!

Maddie girl turned 3 today! I can't believe that my baby is getting so old! I look at her in utter amazement! She has a laugh that can make anyone smile, a heart full of gold and is one of the best huggers on this earth! What a blessing she is to us!

We had the entire family at our house last night! Some of the family hadn't seen the house yet so it was fun watching them look around the new house. I think that they liked it! Maddie requested homemade pizza for her birthday dinner. I made pizza dough from my bread machine the day before her party- let's just say it was delicious but probably not that ideal for a group of 40! I was up until midnight making the dough :) In between dough making my mom and I were cleaning, making drums for her kid party and making 2 batches of chocolate chip cookies! Maddie had a wonderful night and was entirely too cute opening her presents from everyone. What a gracious little girl! The girls ended up crashing around 10:30 and we have been paying for it today! Dave and I are looking forward to the 7:00 mark so the girls can hit the hay! After the girls went to bed all the cousins ended up staying way into the night talking and playing the Wii! What fun! Thank you to everyone who came to Olympia to help Maddie celebrate her big day!

Maddie enjoying her pizza!

Maddie and John

Maddie loves her new toy!

Today we had a nice birthday breakfast and then got ready for Maddie's Music party. The party was very low key with drum making and exploring different musical instruments. Most of the kids just wanted to play in the playroom which was great! The other mom's and I enjoyed some visiting time :) Maddie is exhausted but told me tonight as she was taking her tub that she had a great birthday!

Making drums at the party!

Maddie making her drum!

A band party!

Yummy! Cake and ice cream!

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