Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Birthday!

It's official...I am now 33! Yikes, time sure does fly by! A husband, 2 kids and reading glasses! All kidding aside, I had a really nice day. We celebrated on the weekend with my mom who as usual, spoiled me rotten! She made me my favorite dinner (prawns and fettuccine) and then on Monday made dinner again, cleaned the house for me and made an angel food cake with the girls for my birthday the following day. On my actual birthday the girls had gymnastics so we went to that and then picked up Chinese food on the way home. YUM! We had a quiet (if you can call an evening in our house that??) night together. The girls got me two new pairs of Crocs- one pair for the spring, the other pair for now (they are the new fuzzy ones) and a Brad Paisley CD (Dave and I are going to his concert at the end of this month with some friends!). I have been thoroughly enjoying my new Wii as well! I feel so lucky and blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!

1 comment:

Jen said...

A bit late but Happy Birthday, Heather =)