Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our Busy Week!

Wow! I am sitting here on a very quiet Sunday morning thinking about everything that went on this week and feel like I need to get back into bed for a few more hours of shut eye! We had one of those crazy, busy weeks!

We started our week with some very exciting news! Dave found out that next year he will be the Principal at the middle school! He has been struggling with this news this week because he loves his position as the VP at the high school and truly loves working with high school students. But he is excited as this is the next step that he has been waiting to take in his career. I am so PROUD of him and all that he has accomplishment! I know that he will do a great job!

Throw in a 2 hour class for me, a 2 hour long WASL meeting for Dave and a meeting on gangs (which by the way, is altogether scary!) and our nights were filled up!

On Thursday evening, Taylor, Maddie and I met up with Kaylin, Macie and Krista for Lacey Loves to Read! Each February the city celebrates and honors an prize winning author. They do lots of neat things based around what the author has written. The author this year was Sy Montgomery. She writes a lot of non fiction books on different animals. One of her books is about pigs and so to end the month they had Sy Montgomery come to the community center where she read stories, talked with kids about how she writes and did a book signing. We actually missed most of that because the girls all got really tired as there were a ton of people at the event. But we did get to see the opening act in which they hired some people to bring in their 4 pigs who do different tricks. It was pretty hilarious...and as the women who was leading the show said: "We are gonna get HOG wild!" Good times!

Maddie and Taylor watching the pigs!

Taylor and Maddie petting the pig Nellie.

Here we are now, to the weekend. I actually got up bright and early and went to an interview, yes, I did say an interview. My school is currently a K-4 only due to size (we have 750 kids in these grade levels alone) and they are in the process of building a new school. It will be done this summer and at that time, our school will become a K-6 once again. They have had our 5-6 teachers at a different building for the past 2 years and they will all be coming back. To make a long story somewhat shorter, I fall in that zone of the possibility of having to be involuntarily transferred because I am low man at the school. So, I decided to take my chances and interview at the new school. I honestly was not excited about it at all until I sat down with them and heard their vision and their plans for the new school. It sounds really amazing- cooperative learning, flexible grouping all things that I really think will benefit student's learning. So now I am hoping that they might ask me to join their staff. We shall see. I know all will work out in the end. But I have been stressed beyond belief this week about all of this stuff! I did get to unwind though after the interview as the girls got to have a sleepover with Grandma Carolyn and Jerry last night and Dave and I got to go with our friends to eat at the Melting Pot (I am still full!) and then go and see Brad Paisley in concert at the Tacoma Dome. Wow! He put on a GREAT show! I was very impressed! We are headed this afternoon to Bothell to help celebrate Luke's first birthday and to visit with family which we are really looking forward to! Phew...I told you- a crazy week! Life is good!

Krista and I at the Brad Paisley Concert!


Jen said...

Good luck with all you have going on, Heather. Even when we know it will all work out - it is hard to not worry. =)

Jamie said...

Wow, what a week. I bet the concert was a nice wind down. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and the new position. How exciting.