Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day!

We had a great (and somewhat comical) day today! Taylor gave Dave a special present this morning...sleeping in until 9:00! Wow! Now, only if Maddie would start doing that :) After Dave and Taylor got up we had waffles and bacon for breakfast and Dave opened his gifts from us. His favorite? I found the cards that you can record the girls voices on- they turned out really cute and I know that he will treasure them forever! We were then off to Emerald Downs for some fun. Here is where our day got extremely comical and at one point Dave and I looked at each other and could only giggle uncontrollably! So...we get to the horse races and the girls are very excited about the horses, the crowds, the bouncy house, etc. It is somewhat overcast at this point and a little bit windy but we carry on our way. We watch race #1 and then the girls want to check out the bouncy house so Dave is going to go head in to place a bet for Race #2 and I take the girls to the family fun section. The weather is slowly starting to get worse- the wind is picking up and rain clouds are rolling in. We watch Race #2 from the pony line. Dave leaves us again to bet on Race #3. We are 3 spots away from the front of the pony line and that is when everything turns sour! All of a sudden all I hear is screaming and I turn and look and the gigantic bouncy house that is a slide has come off the stakes (with children on it) and is literally flipping all the way down to the horse track. The ponies notice the screaming and buck 3 of the kids off of them. Let's not forget that at this point in time the clouds open up and literally DUMP rain on us. I was highly concerned about the little children that were stuck in the bouncy house but was happy mine were with me. I grabbed their hands and we ran for cover. When I told the story to Dave all we could do was laugh. We left 10 minutes later. What a day! But you know what? We were together, having a great time which is all that really mattered! I don't think the girls will ever want to go back- Taylor is in our bed right now because she was afraid she was going to have nightmares tonight! Happy Father's Day!

Dave opening his cards from the girls.

Taylor and Maddie before entering the horse races. Notice their attire? Perfect for a down pour!

I forgot to mention that it was free cap day.....Checking out the horses.

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