Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mukilteo Beach

Our first week of "vacation" has flown by! Dave is still working until Wednesday of this coming week and I had to take a class all of last week from 8-4. Not exactly my idea of a fun first week of summer vacation but it is all done now! Dave's mom took the girls for us on Monday and Tuesday and my mom met me on Tuesday night at Southcenter and she kept the girls for us until Saturday morning. It was so nice not to have to worry about them! The girls had a great week with their grandma's and are exhausted! They did the museum, lots of parks, visits to Grandma Oh-Oh's, to Nana's house and to a "birthday party" for Taylor at McDonalds with Connie and Richard! I drove to Everett yesterday to pick them up and we spent the day at Mukilteo Beach with my mom, sister and Emilie. I haven't been to the beach in awhile and they have re-done the whole thing. They have a great park now and the beach has been really cleaned up. We all had a great time! We also had lunch at Ivar's which was delicious! We discovered that Taylor loves clam chowder and that Maddie detests it (shocking!). We spent the rest of the day playing in the pool at my mom's and babysitting Emilie while Darci and Paul went to a dinner party. I think my mom was very okay with us leaving this morning bright and early...she was ready to clean up the house and have some quiet time to herself :)

We are going to enjoy our week coming up- we are having all of our friends over for a BBQ/fireworks show that goes on each year at the marina on Friday and then we are heading to Dave's dad's for a BBQ and swim party on the 5th. We will leave from there to head over the moutains to spend the week at Crescent Bar. yea!

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