Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Crescent Bar!

We just got back from a week at Crescent Bar! We had lots of fun! Jill, myself and the girls went for a paddle boat ride! Taylor paddled all the way (with help from Jill!)
Uncle Mike has officially moved up in Taylor and Maddie's book! Taylor said to me: "Mommy, now I love Mike. I already loved Jill." Too funny! He spent countless hours with the girls in the pool....he's my hero as well!

All the kids had a blast in the pool together! Lucky Darci got to go in every time....one benefit of having older kids :)

Here is the whole gang in the pool! Emilie, Taylor, Maddie and Johnnie Boy (Maddie's nickname for him)

I tried to blow this picture up but will have to work on that! This would be the four of us inner tubing together! The girls to our amazement got behind the boat and did this! They had a ton of fun! I still feel a bit sea sick from all of our laps around the river!

Just back from a fun trip on the river!

The girls made a fort each day on the deck!

Maddie girl enjoying time on the aqua sport!

Maddie and Uncle Paul!

We also did a lot of jet skiing! Here are the girls and Dave back from one of their many trips!

Barbie Pool time! John LOVED the Barbies....hmm...I think we drew his name for the Christmas exchange....Tim- a pink or a purple dress for his Barbie? LOL!!

Cocktail hour! Popcorn and Sprite!

Uncle Richard, Uncle Brent, Uncle Mike, Uncle Paul and Uncle Tim (did I miss any of the men??) went golfing one morning and surprised the girls with this Hannah Montana Pinata when they came back! They had it hanging up from a tree when the girls got back from the beach. We had a fun night of swinging the bat! Thanks boys!

One of my favorite pictures! It was so nice to see Dave be able to relax on this vacation! He only has 2 more weeks of vacation and it's back to the grind for him. We were able to use the boat every day and we both water skied almost every day. Fun!

We went to a really nice beach one of the days we were at Crescent Bar! This was the first vacation where the girls played together and by themselves- yea us! They loved the river and played in it each day!

Taylor has always been a beach bum! She spent a lot of time looking for rocks to keep and even found a few shells!

Ahh...you gotta love Nana! She spent countless hours with the girls and here you see her enjoying a much needed break from being a mommy! Dave found this great Margarita mix in a bag that Nana thought was super tasty!! :)

Maddie officially LOVES the sand and water! A huge relief to mom and dad! She has become our little dare devil! She loved going extremely fast on the boat and the jet ski and was the first to want to go on the inner tube! She spent the majority of her days at the beach!

Johnnie boy was a huge hit with my girls- especially Maddie! Anywhere John went, Maddie went. I think John thought she was pretty great too- he always had a huge smile on his face when she came around!

As you can probably tell, we had an AMAZING trip over the mountains! Being able to spend a week with my entire family was truly priceless for me! It doesn't happen very often anymore and I love them all to pieces so having that time with them meant the world to me!

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