Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Dave and I went to Taylor's Fall conference this evening. Wow! What a different experience that was being on the parent end instead of the teacher end of things. Taylor's teacher is amazing and I was really impressed by her kindness, organization and her thoughtfulness (she let Taylor pick a book to keep at home). We honestly were not surprised by anything Ms. Ott had to say- which is a good thing right? Taylor is moving right along in all areas. She is doing especially well in math and writing. She got to show us her pattern journal and we were quite impressed by it- she had labeled her patterns and everything! Her writing journal was amazing to me- especially when I compare her to some of my first graders. She started out in early September labeling words here and there and in class she is now writing sentences! (can you feel how proud we are of her yet?) In reading she is doing well. She knows all her letters and knows 19 of her letter sounds. They are slowing introducing sight words and Ms. Ott let us know that Taylor picks up on these things quite quickly and has no concerns for her in this area. She told us that she is a great listener, good worker and kind to others. An overall GREAT conference. We are so very proud of her!

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