Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Party!

This past weekend the girls and I (Dave was home sick with a cold and pink eye) went to a Halloween Party hosted by Dave's Aunt Sandy who lives in our neighborhood. She threw a fun party for the kids! The girls wore their costumes, although, Maddie ended up not wearing her costume that she plans on trick-or-treating in as she wanted to save it and it apparently was too scratchy! They played musical pumpkins, had a parade in their costumes and Taylor even had a few of her classmates at the party which was fun for her. It was nice having the party the weekend before Halloween because we didn't have to try and fit it in this coming weekend and it gave the kids a chance to get excited before the big day! We will have more pictures to come of Halloween night. We are planning on having homemade pizza and walking the neighborhood with the Glock family. One of Taylor's good friends from school asked her if they could walk together while trick-or-treating and Taylor informed me that she told her no because "I always walk with Ellie every year". It made me smile because kids Taylor's age just don't get it that they can have more then one friend at a time!

Maddie minus her costume, looking very worried that the music has stopped while playing musical pumpkins!

Taylor collecting her prize after the costume parade!

Taylor and her friend from school!

Introducing HANNAH MONTANA!!


Has anyone else noticed that Maddie is going through her cute yet funky smile phase?? :)

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