Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cookie Decorating!

We had our annual cookie baking/decorating party with our friends the Kovals again this year. Krista was so kind to host our event and we even had our friends the Gentry's join us this year which was lots of fun! As usual, the kids enjoyed themselves- they used lots of frosting, ate too much candy and giggled the night away together. I love watching all six of the girls play together- they are all so different yet all have a very special bond with one another. We are so lucky to have such great friends in our lives!

The girls (with clothes on this year!!) making sugar cookies!

Taylor decorating her cookies!

Maddie's Masterpiece(s)! Yummy!

All the girls! Kaylin, Taylor, Molly, Maddie, Chloe and Macie!

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