Monday, February 8, 2010

Maddie's Birthday!

It's hard to believe that just 5 days after my 30th birthday that I gave birth to our Miss Madison! What's even harder to believe is that she is already 4! Where in the world has the time gone? Maddie had a family birthday party the day before she turned 4. She had a great time with all her cousins, eating Nachio Chips, steak and boxed fettucine (her request). I love that Maddie doesn't like cake- it makes for an easy time for me! We had chocolate chip cookies and ice cream for dessert(Let's not forget that they were served on Spongebob plates!) . She had fun opening her gifts and she entertained us all by putting on a fashion show afterwards. Don't worry....there is more to come on Maddie's birthday!

Presents! :)

Here she is....modeling one of her new favorite outfits!

Let's hope that she leaves the boots at home when we hit the beach in Hawaii :)

Happy Birthday to our sweet little 4 year old!

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