Monday, February 8, 2010

My Birthday!

I celebrated my 34th birthday with the people I love most- my girls and Dave. I had one of the best birthday's I can remember in a long time- I still can't pin point why but I had an all around great day. I think it was the little things that made it so special! I was welcomed in the morning with a very long, sweet hug by Taylor and it just kept on getting better. I had sweet wishes at school, cards from some of my students, flowers waiting for me at home from Dave and a yummy birthday dinner made especially for me. The girls helped make a cake for me- my favorite, angel food cake, and Taylor got it into her head that she wanted to put rocks around it. She went to decorate it and I came into the room and noticed that she was actually putting the rocks INTO the cake! We quickly got that turned around :) Both the girls picked out a gift for me this year; I am oh so lucky to be the proud owner of two stuffed dogs that I get to sleep with each night and some new heart earrings. I love that they picked them out on their own and that they were so excited about the whole thing. It was an all around great day!

My very special cake made with lots of love!

Taylor and Maddie helping me blow out my candles. I was taking my job very seriously :)

I love these girls!

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