Tuesday, August 17, 2010


So....our adventure jar took somewhat of a back seat this past week! We had drawn on last Saturday to do something because Dave was heading to Vancouver for a concert so I thought that would be fun....I was kind of wrong! We each got to choose two things we would like to play at the house together. We would set the timer for 20 minutes for each activity and rotate to the next one after the timer went off. Our first 20 minutes we spent playing tea party- I believe that's where the arguing began- I want this cup, she got more then me, etc. A LoNg 20 minutes....
Next up was toe and finger nail painting. Dave was just leaving at this point and snapped this picture. Taylor as you can see is acting rather silly, I'm completely fake smiling and Maddie is turned around and quite frankly, upset as all get out! Good times I tell ya! After this was done, I quit the activity all together. I just couldn't handle it. From there, we attempted to finish our activity on Sunday- we failed. On Monday, we drew a new tag from the jar; a visit to the library. We never ended up going- we had a small issue with not wanting to put underwear on....and it wasn't me! Tuesday rolled around and I had bunko that night at our house so I went into my mad cleaning self and we didn't do anything that day from the jar. So...I am hoping that because it's a new week that we will be able to attempt to do something from it. We shall see!

On Wednesday we headed up to Everett for a 5 day stay. Our first activity was to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Lilly. Ashley, who is Katie, Jill and Brent's cousin (and feels like she should be mine as well!) is having her first baby in September. Oh what a joyful time this is for Ashley and her husband Darren! They have been trying for a very long time to have a child and this was truly a wonderful shower- she is gorgeous, glowing and so excited. It was so much fun to watch her and I can't wait to meet baby Lilly! Congrats!

Taylor took the roll of handing gifts to Ashley!

What's not to love about Trey? He was very good at the party!

I love this picture of Maddie and John! They didn't last long while Ashley was opening gifts so they headed outside to get some fresh air!

Our sweet little girls! They love Connie and Rich's porch that opens up from their bedroom!
The next day, Connie and my mom hosted a golf party for my Grandma! She had all of her golfing buddies over for a little thank you/celebration for all their love and support during her battle with cancer. Grandma is currently not doing anymore Chemo. Her body simply isn't responding anymore to the Chemo and so her doctors have stopped it for awhile. They told her to just go home and live her life! And that's what she's doing! She actually golfed 9 holes last week- a huge accomplishment after all that she's been through. AmAzInG! I'm sorry to say that I don't have any pictures from the party....I was too busy serving up Margaritas from a bucket!
Next on our list? Friday, we visited Aunty Amy, Uncle Matt, Drew and Luke at their new house! Love, love, love it! So homey and the yard was the selling point for me! This would be their back yard! They have a fun little Creek in the trees that you can see in the back of the picture(and we had entertainment when we went to the creek when Luke fell in!) , a great place to ride bikes, horses next door and it's quiet....gorgeous! Thanks for having us over!
On the way home from Matt and Amy's we got stuck in traffic (something I don't miss!) and so we took a pit stop at Forest Park to cool off and run around.

The girls loved the little petting zoo. I felt so sorry for this cow- look at how HOT he looks. Poor thing!

Taylor fell in love with this bunny. She really wanted to take him home :)

They especially loved the horses!

Up next? The playground and the water park! When in Washington do you get to play on the toys in your bikini? Taylor is very much in love with doing the monkey bars and this sliding thing-a-ma-bob these days!

The little water park was a huge hit! It was so hot that I almost went in as well! I resisted though.

Maddie would have stayed here all day if I would have let her! She was loving life! Look hard...she's next to the yellow pole!

I had the hardest time getting the girls into the car to go home! Here they are being silly sisters! I love that they have so much LOVE to give to one another (most of the time!)


We finished off our stay by going up to Roger and Lynette's for a fun filled (and very HOT) day on Camano Island! The kids had so much fun hanging out with their cousins, aunts and uncles and grandmas and grandpa! Swimming at the community pool was a must! We are so proud of Taylor's swimming and how far she has come this summer! No swim lessons as of yet- not bad for being self taught!

Maddie girl is our official lover of water!

My favorite picture! The cousins having a water fight with the other kids in the pool! Love, love, love this picture!
Maddie and Dave headed back to Olympia on Saturday night and Taylor and I stayed another night in Everett. On Sunday, Taylor got to go school shopping all by herself with my mom. Don't worry....we are having a fashion show soon and I'll post pictures! Let's just say my mom spoiled her rotten! I stayed as well and headed to Lynnwood on Sunday to do a Stampin Up party at Kori's! It was hotter then heck but Kori was an amazing host and her friends were great as well! As most of you know, I am selling Stampin Up these days, mainly to support my habit of buying products that I love! But a HUGE thank you to Kori, Amy, Lynette, my mom and Dave for all their support as I've ventured into doing this!
Maddie is with my mom right now shopping her little heart out as well! Can't wait to see what she picked out :)
Until next time! Live, laugh, love!

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