Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma and Grandpa!

We celebrated Grandpa's 87th birthday and Grandma's 85th birthday this weekend! It was a big celebration especially for Grandma this year! Amazing all that she has been through and still here to celebrate with us! We are all more then a little thankful! She continues to battle her cancer and has recently started Chemo again. They are trying a new type of Chemo that is less often. I am anxious to see how it goes. In the mean time though, she feels great, is golfing and truly living life to the fullest. We had a great time being with the family (something we haven't done in awhile), laughing, eating and catching up. Happy Birthday to two of the sweetest people around!

We had visitors at the door..... L to R...Taylor, Trey, Emilie, John and Maddie

Us Myers always have to have some ordeal going on...this was taken about 15 minutes prior to us realizing that Taylor had a 102 temperature :)

These 3 rallied after a fun Halloween party the night before!

And what's not to love about this cutie?

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