Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rock Climbing!

Taylor was invited to her friend's birthday party this weekend at a new place in downtown Olympia called the Warehouse Rock Gym. It ended up being such a neat place! Taylor was very nervous to go- she thought she wouldn't be very good at climbing and of course ended up having a blast! Maddie even got to participate as they needed extra parent hands to help all the kids. It was something that I wouldn't think to do with my own kids and so it was a great experience for them. They both left wanting to come back again! We have had a busy weekend already and tomorrow seems to be packed as well. Dave went to Pullman today for the Coug game, the girls and I ran errands, found Halloween costumes (we decided on a witch for Maddie and Fancy Nancy for Taylor), played outside in the gorgeous fall weather and even managed to squeeze in a few loads of laundry. Maddie has a birthday party to go to at the Children's Museum for a friend from her Pre-K class tomorrow and I'm even cooking a turkey- I'm hungry for Thanksgiving dinner! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Taylor attempted to climb the wall...she quickly found out she didn't like going too high and that repelling down was much more fun :)

I love this picture! These two are just the best of friends and I love how they are looking at one another! Taylor and Katrina.

This was one of Maddie's favorite hang outs of the day! Upside down!

Maddie loved the harness but didn't want to use it to climb the wall- she stuck to safer grounds!

Taylor busy climbing!

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