Friday, December 24, 2010

Pemberton/Anderson Christmas!

After leaving Matt and Amy's house we then headed to Tim and Katie's house for our annual Pemberton/Anderson family Christmas. It was such a nice, fun, relaxing evening! We ate, drank, visited, laughed and opened presents. The girls always have fun playing with our ever growing family- John, Kylee(who seriously slept the entire time!), Emilie and Trey(who is now a crawling boy!). Thanks to Katie and Tim for hosting!

Wow! We are so blessed to have all these gorgeous, healthy children in our family! Happy Holidays!

Dave held a very tired Kylee for quite some time at the party. At one point I believe he said: "I'd take another one if this is what they did all day" :) Thank goodness we all know that babies don't sleep all day!

Maddie girl had to get her baby Kylee fix as well!

Me and my beautiful mom!

Maddie, Emilie and Kylee.

Emilie and I played a very rousing game of guess what I'm drawing....

3 of the sweetest girls ever!

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