Thursday, December 23, 2010

Myers Christmas

Friday evening came around and the Myers clan was ready to celebrate! School was out for winter break! Oh Yay! All of us except poor Taylor....I arrived home to see her laying on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, shivering. I soon discovered that she had a 101 temperature that soon rose to 103 and stayed steady for the next 24+ hours. We were all bummed about this as we were headed up North for our Myers Christmas celebrations- with both the entire family and then just Dave's dad, Lynette, The Flinn's and Mindy and her crew. We made the executive decision that I would attend with Maddie and that Dave would stay home with Taylor (let's face it the girls are big time Daddie's girls and even more so when they are sick). Maddie and I had a wonderful time visiting with family some of which we only see once a year- I will say it was very different though NOT having the other half of my crew with us though. Maddie and I spent the night (on bunk beds- thanks Drew!) with the family and in the morning much to my relieve, Dave informed me that Taylor's fever had gone away and that they would be joining us! We had a nice morning visiting and in the afternoon we had lunch and exchanged presents. The highlight? Oh me, Oh my....AMERICAN GIRL DOLLS! Two very happy and excited little girls who have NOT put them down since receiving them. They change Rebecca and Julie's clothes into their pajama's each night and as soon as they wake up, they change them back into their work day clothes. Maddie is also asking us to call her Julie....Thanks Grandpa and Grandma! And thanks to the Flinn's for hosting all of us!

Highlight of the Myers family party? Chris showing up to the party in his cop car! The kids had a blast turning the sirens on.....

Up early in the morning! Luke, Drew and Maddie

Rebecca and Taylor! (sorry for the horrible picture!)

Julie and Maddie!

LOVE this picture...the sun shining in, underwear on, his Dora playdough, sunglasses and his glass of kid wine :

Maddie opening her gift from the kids exchange.

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