Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Sun!

Oh, how the Myers family loves the SUN! It makes all of us just that more perky and it's weird how when the sun is shining through the bedroom windows in the morning how we are all much more eager to get up to go to work and school! We've been taking full advantage of it's presence and we will certainly be sad to see it leave!

We've begun our daily walks (or should I say carries) to the marina. We've missed our home away from home over the winter!

And although this place is still VERY cold it always amazes me how beautiful it is!

And yes, the bikes have been found as well! I think this was Maddie's last ride on this bike as she can hardly fit on it anymore. She'll take Taylor's bike which is too small for her and then she'll get a new one (I'm thinking Birthday gift!) for the spring and summer.

We made a quick trip to Everett this weekend to be with family and couldn't resist going to the park. Although the sun was out, it was so cold outside with the wind that we didn't last long!

And I know these aren't taken outside, but they tie in with our visit to Everett. Taylor and Grandma played hangman on my cell phone (a sight I didn't think I'd ever see!) for a very long time. They were too cute for words with one another.

And who could resist this picture? Love them all!

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