Looking at her face you wouldn't think that she has been fighting pneumonia all week or that her brother was too sick to come out to enjoy our first sun of the spring. He has been fighting a cold, a double ear infection and a ruptured ear drum.
Nor would you think that by looking at this happy face that the next day after this picture was taken that her Grandma Kathy would go in for a very important doctor's appointment.
And looking at this girl, all grown up, you would never know that her Grandma Kathy would find out that she has a mass on her ovary the size of a newborn babies head and that she would require surgery on Monday morning to remove it and that she has a 50/50 chance of having cancer to go along with that mass.
So, here I am, hopping in my car spur of the moment to help keep things real for me.
I need these people in my life, every day, to help ME get through these unexpected times.
Life can be unexpected, but as my amazing mom has said multiple times this week: "You can wallow in this and simply give up OR you can look to the future and make the most out of your given situation." I'm with mom...the future does look scary, but together, we can definitely make the most of every day and every situation.
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