Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mayfield Lake Resort

Dave and I have been wanting to take the girls on a camping trip in the motor home for quite some time now. It's had lots of use this year with football games and concerts, so we were anxious to see how we would do as a family camping in it. So a few Fridays ago, when Dave got off work, we loaded up the motor home and drove about an hour south of Olympia to Mayfield Lake Resort. We were not disappointed! Although, not your traditional in the woods, no one around you type camping it was the perfect setting for our first camping trip together! We would highly recommend it and we are looking forward to going back! Here's what I loved about this particular camp site......
1. Camp Fires....does anything get better then that? Smores, staying warm, visiting and laughing!

2. Time with my guy! The way our camp site was set up we could see the girls wherever they went- we were right next door to the playground and the Lake! It allowed Dave and I some down time to play crib, read and catch up.

3. The Parks. They had 2 of them- one which was right next door to us. The girls LOVE parks and they were as happy as can be!
She's into climbing anything and everything right now!

And Maddie spent a lot of time on these unique swings.

And both girls hung upside down quite a bit over our long weekend!

4. The lighthouse. The campsite has a little island with this light house on it. We hiked over to the island to investigate the light house. The hike was perfect for the girls- short and sweet.

The lighthouse itself was a bit couldn't even go inside it but Taylor thought it was still pretty great none the less!

And the island made a gorgeous back drop for a family photo!

5. Fishing. Taylor in particular has been dying to try her hand at fishing. Jerry and Carolyn drove down to the camp ground for a day and Jerry brought fishing gear for he and the girls. Taylor enjoyed it. Maddie really could have cared less! Although she did become the designated "worm getter" as this was as close to the worms that her sister would get!

They had taken old bus seats and put them along the dock so that people could sit and fish (or visit)
I have to say that Taylor didn't catch a fish but she lasted a long time actually waiting for one to go on her line.
6. Horse Shoes. Oh My! The girls loved playing this and after the first few games kind of caught onto it! Super fun!
7. The Dance. Apparently, every Saturday night they have a dance in the pavilion. It was very cute and the girls and their daddy never turn down a chance to dance!
8. The motor home. You can't do this in any other car on the way home with 2 tired girls!

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