Friday, August 5, 2011

The Fair

Our niece, Abra, invited us to watch her and her horse, Starbuck perform this past week at the Thurston County Fair! Here they both are getting ready (and waiting patiently) to perform.

Some of the fans! L-R....Alex, Taylor, Abra, Maddie (in front of her), Malea and Kinley

I was most impressed with Abra's posture, smile and finesse on Starbuck. She looked beautiful in her horse outfit (sorry, I SO don't know anything about riding horses!!)
She and Starbuck ended up getting quite a few ribbons- in the category that we watched, they earned a blue ribbon! Yea!
It was nice to see the family all together!
While waiting for Abra and Starbuck to perform we did a bit of sight seeing....
These guys were our favorite!
And what would a fair be without a few rides?
I absolutely LOVE this picture of the girls! Look at those faces!
Cooling off in the shade with one of their favorite people! They love themselves some Alex time!
Abra, thanks for inviting us! We had a great time! We can't wait for your next big show! We are proud of you!

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