Monday, August 8, 2011


All summer long Taylor has been asking for money (weird!?!). So, Dave and I started talking to her about the possibility of doing a few chores around the house to earn a little bit of money each week. She processed this for a while and decided that she'd like to try it out. She has just finished up her first week of chores and earned her money! She couldn't be more proud, putting her money into her wallet and then asking if she could go to Fred Meyer with me to look at things she might be able to buy. She quickly realized that she's going to have to actually save up her allowance money to buy something! Here's a look at her chores......

1. Room has to be clean by Sunday at dinner.
2. Empty the silverware from the dishwasher 3x week.
3. Bring in garbage and recycle bins.
It took me a few days to notice that she's clearly taking her chores seriously.....
NEVER has my silverware been so well organized! Love this girl!

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