Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A First for Maddie!

Miss Maddie lost her first tooth this week! She has been waiting in the shadows of her big sister for this moment to happen for what seems like forever! And when it happened it was like Christmas morning for her! Here's what happened. I was in my craft room working on headbands and she comes in with a whole apple and says to me that she thinks that her tooth is bleeding because her apple is all bloody. I look at her tooth and sure enough, it's as loose as can be! She squealed with excitement and for the next two hours would come and find me every ten minutes to wiggle it and try to pull it out. Finally, while eating dinner we gave it one last try and out it came! She was one happy girl! I have to tell you though, I had some seriously mixed emotions...I was thrilled for her but at the same time, almost started crying. My BABY is loosing her teeth. Her first, but my last. SaD. But this new smile she's got going can't keep me down for long.....

Her sister was as sweet as could be, letting her borrow her special tooth box since Maddie doesn't have one of her own.

Her letter to the tooth fairy was direct and to the point. Not even a hello!
One last shot of this very excited girl! And I have to tell you that she woke up at 4:30 a.m. and carried her loot (which consisted of a Justin Bieber spiral notebook, a pencil and a new glittery t-shirt) into our room to show us and then couldn't go back to bed due to her

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