Sunday, August 14, 2011

Crescent Bar!

The girls and I took a little 5 day trip over the mountains this past week to go to Crescent Bar with my mom, sister, Emilie and Trey. It's become a tradition and one that we all love doing! We decided that on the way over we would all meet in Leavenworth. I L.O.V.E. Leavenworth. The girls did too! They are at that age where they can make fun wherever they go....
Hence, the rock climbing.

The posing for picture with their cousins, Emilie and Trey.
And with Grandma Kathy.
They even liked going into the shops (The Christmas store being a favorite!). Maddie was always nice enough to come outside with Trey and I to wait- he wasn't as interested in shopping!
And the hats....who wouldn't have fun in the Hat Shop?
We ended the visit with ice cream....well, the adults did. The kids each wanted candy. You can't beat a bag full of gummy bears or a long stick of sugar!
After we arrived at Crescent Bar it was time for a swim! And if you ever needed to find me at any point during the trip, you could usually find me here :)
(I love Emilie's "silly" face. When I asked her to make one she looked at me like I was cRaZy!)

I'm quite certain I could pull this picture out of my 2010 summer photos as well. I'm not sure what we are going to do when 1. Her Ariel bathing suit no longer fits here and 2. When the Care Bear floating that I got from the $ store 3 years ago pops.
We had lots of down time. For me, this picture says it all- and why I treasure our families oh so much.
If I was lucky enough to leave the pool (don't feel too badly for me- I did get to read an entire book AND lay out in the sun while doing this- two of my favorite things!!) I would get to go down to the river where Maddie and I spent a lot of time on the jet ski! Thank you to Danny and Pam for all the rides :)
She was most happy in any kind of water this week!
Maddie fell in love with this old life jacket that used to be Jill's when she was a little girl. I'm thinking we have room for her to grow into it!
Sisters. We were still smiling after our trip together :) Love you Darci!

1 comment:

Darci said...

Heather failed to mention that Madison took that picture of us. She is talented! Just like her mommy. Thanks for the laughs, HR.