Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from the Myers family! I've missed updating our blog a lot. I could go into a really long, boring list of why I haven't been blogging but it all boils down to a really old computer that just wasn't cooperating with me and Dave and I finally breaking down and buying a new one. So, here I am! Back in action!

2012 has started out wonderfully for us! Stayed tuned for the fun things we've already been busy doing!

I've become obsessed lately with a few things....Below you'll find one of them. A make shift photo booth filled with themed props. (You'll see more of my new obsession in a future post!) Enjoy!

Maddie's recent obsession? Justin Bieber!
Taylor's obsession? Her IPOD touch.....

Another of my obsessions? PINTEREST!
His obsession? Coach Leach and Pirates!
We hope all of you are well! Hugs to a great 2012!

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