Monday, November 24, 2008

The Girls and Everett

The girls are having a great time in Everett...Dave and I officially miss them like crazy! It was nice to have a few days to ourselves but now everyday life just doesn't seem the same without them! They have done so much that they are going to want to stay with Grandma again real soon! Long walks to the park, eating at Taco Bell (a favorite of theirs!), the library, visiting Nana and Emilie, a birthday party, visiting Connie, meeting John for the first time and eating cheetoh's at Grandma Oh-Oh's and Grandpa Woof-Woof's! We pick them up tomorrow afternoon and are taking mom out for a thank you dinner before we all head back to our respective homes. Katie sent me these pictures of the girls today...they couldn't have come at a better time- just when Dave and I were wanting to see them! John is oh, so cute!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

What sweet pictures! Sounds like the girls have been busy. How fun.