Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas with the Myers

Every year the week before Christmas we head north to spend time with Dave's family for an early Christmas! I cannot tell you how much I love doing this! The kids love getting a few gifts before Christmas and I love all the good food and fun entertainment! This year, we met at Matt and Amy's for dinner and gifts. It was so fun to watch Taylor, Maddie and Drew play with another! They play so nicely together and even play upstairs now (without mom's and dad's!) which is nice also :) Our plan was to go to Seattle and ride the carousel and go on a carriage ride after gifts but as soon as we got on the road another snow storm hit us! We ended up heading back towards Matt and Amy's and ended up eating more good food! We were disappointed not to be able to go to Seattle but still had a great time! We are looking forward to a trip to Chelan to spend more time with the Myers clan!

The Cousins! Taylor, Drew, Luke (in back) and Taylor

Front Row...Maddie, Drew, Taylor. Back Row....Heather, Dave, Amy, Luke and Matt

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