Sunday, January 25, 2009


The girls are taking a 6 week class at the local Gymnastics place! They had their first class this past week. They had a blast! We were nervous about how Maddie would react with us not being with her (parents had to wait in a different area) but she did great! Gave us a hug and was off and tumbling! Taylor was in love with all the different outfits! Sequins and sparkles= one happy Taylor! I apologize for the pictures....they are pretty dark!

New Year's Pictures...

I's January 25th and I am just going to post about New Years! I was downloading some other pictures and found these pictures on the camera as well. We spent New Year's at our friends the Koval's and had a great time! The kids ran around until they crashed- which was about 10:30 so we ended up having an early night which was great with Dave and I! Hoping everyone is off to a great New Year!

Kaylin and Maddie

Taylor and Molly

All the girls! Keila, Molly, Taylor, Joselyn, Maddie, Kaylin and Chloe

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Early Birthday Present!

Two nights ago a big box was delivered to our house. Dave happened to be walking in the door when it was being delivered and made a big To-Do about me staying away from the box. I, of course had to press him about it and he told me to drop it because it was something for my birthday. I immediately was hoping that inside that box was the Wii I have been wanting. Crazy, I know...almost 33 and pining for a Wii. I have been wanting one mainly for the Wii fit because I hear it is a nice workout and frankly, any kind of workout for me right now would be nice! So, that night, while we were laying in bed re-hashing the day he asked me what I thought was in the box. I didn't want to say a Wii because what if it wasn't? I would feel horrible! He then went on to say that he hoped I didn't think he had gotten me a Wii because he said it wasn't one. So, I closed my mouth and made up something silly. Yesterday, he went as far to make me look at the Wii's in target to price them out! This afternoon he brought the big box inside and said he thought I should open my gift early because he didn't think I would like it very much and that it would give him some time to get me something else. I said No but then he brought the kids in on it and Taylor got very insistent about me opening it. Anyone who knows me knows I love a good gift and so I ended up opening the box to find....A Wii!! I have got one heck of a guy!

We spent the afternoon playing bowling because the kids could join in on the fun as well. Let's just say that Taylor ROCKS at bowling- her high score is a 180! Cracks me up! I finally made it over a 100 but can hardly lift my arms up :) I am looking forward to a morning workout on the Wii fit in the morning!

I love my new Wii!

Taylor playing bowling!

Maddie playing bowling!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Hi Everyone! I know, I has been a really long time since I have posted anything! I apologize! It gets worse....I don't have any pictures to post either! Life has been very busy since getting back to work and doing the whole daycare thing again. It is amazing how quickly you can slip into an entirely different routine! So, I thought I would post on each member of the family so you could kind of get an idea about what everyone has been up to! Here goes.....

Dave- He has been busy at work. His first day back to school he had to do a drug bust and then deal with two very angry parents who claimed that it wasn't their child's fault that he had drugs on him at school and that he was high! Go figure! He is really loving working at the high school and comes home so much happier each day! At home his lovely wife has been keeping him busy- she has been making him clean out his side of the closet (how dare she??), take down all the Christmas lights and hang some pictures up for me. Of course he is still the light of Taylor and Maddie's eyes and so he has been busy playing Princess, store, doing puzzles and just being a great dad!

Heather- I was glad to get settled back into working. I have decided that I really do love working and being a mom at the same time! My students were happy to see me and I have been busy re-teaching good behavior in my room! The first day back it was like the first day of school again! I received some sad news at school as well~One of my students from last year (I have his brother in my room this year) went home last week with a really high temperature and ended up being hospitalized. After a lot of testing they found that he has leukemia. It breaks my heart to think about it. Please send a prayer out for Gene! In other news, I am officially getting old! I went to the eye doctor this week and ended up being in his office for way to long! Apparently my eyes when they get tired tend to droop in instead of out like most peoples so he informed me that I needed to get reading glasses! OMG! I about fainted! So, they have been ordered and I will dutifully wear them when I am reading and working on the computer! I took his message as I was going cross-eyed! I truly hope this isn't the case! Can you imagine this family with a cross eyed girl? Heehee.

Taylor- Miss Taylor Bug has literally had some kind of bug now for about a week. She has ended up having a fever for a week and also has Bronchitis. She seems to be on the mend (finally) today. She woke up at 6:45 this morning saying that she was starving. She has hardly eaten anything the last 5 days. She has a little color in her cheeks and is playing quietly while I type this. Other than that, Taylor has just been busy doing her usual every day things; dressing up, making crafts (her mom is so proud!) and making up all kinds of imaginative things for us to play with her.

Maddie- It is hard to believe that Maddie will be 3 in just a few short weeks! She has decided to have a "muskic" party for her first kid party. She wants to make drums and then sing and dance upstairs in the bonus room. I am looking forward to that! She has blossomed in the last month in almost everything! She talks like crazy (she takes after her sister), is becoming more confident with other people around and is realizing that she is a smart little girl! She is still in love with babies and carries one around constantly with her! She had exciting news in ballet the other day when her teacher told my mom that she felt she was ready to move to the next class! Yea! My mom is excited as well- she won't have to dance anymore :)

Grandpa Woof-Woof- He is doing amazingly well for being 85! He was realized from the hospital after only 2 days. This was impressive considering that he had a 6 hour surgery! He is recovering nicely at home. They found the cancer in his jaw and so when they did the surgery they had to take out the cancer in his jaw which caused him to have a droopy side to part of his mouth. They are not sure if this will ever return to normal but we are just happy to have him here with us! He will begin radiation for 37 days straight soon. My mom will take him to the Doctor in Seattle this coming Thursday to find out when it will begin.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


This is a very past due post which tells you that I have gone back to work and am barely able to keep my eyes open at night! So, I thought I would try to post this morning before I go and get the kids up and we head out for the day.

We headed over the mountains for a quick trip to Chelan after Christmas. We met up with most of the Myers clan and got to spend some good, quality time with Papa, Grandma Lynette, Uncle Matt, Aunt Amy, Drew and Luke. We spent lots of time eating, catching up on the latest gossip, swimming, sledding and our newly added skating! Taylor and Maddie both really wanted to try and ice skate so we put them both in skates and they actually did pretty well. Maddie liked being scooted around on her skates by Dave and Taylor started out that way but ended up starting to get the idea after she had done it for awhile (is this where I should mention that awhile was something like 2 hours??). We have promised her that we will take her ice skating in Everett the next time we are visiting! We are taking volunteers for this :)

Thank you to Roger, Lynette, Amy and Matt for including us in this fun event!

Not the greatest picture of the girls but I thought it was so pretty outside!

Dave had his hands full!

Maddie getting the hang of ice skating!

Look at me!

Warming up after a day of play outside! Can you say trouble?