Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pre-Easter Festivities

This evening we had Dave's sister, Mindy and her family over for Easter egg dying and homemade pizza. This has become a tradition over the last 3 years or so and one that I always look forward to! Taylor and Maddie really enjoyed dying the eggs this year (which by the way, are now ALL cracked!) and also had fun putting as many stickers as they could on them after they had dried! I do love how excited they get about these little things and I hope this lasts for their life time! If they are anything like me, then I am hopeful! Dave can always get me out of bed in the morning in a heartbeat if he says that it's snowed outside :) After everyone had left, the girls argued (oh yes, it's true...) about where their baskets should go so that the bunny could find them and then we of course had to put carrots and lettuce out for him! And just like that they were in bed and asleep! We are looking forward to a fun day tomorrow with both of our families. We will have brunch at Carolyn's in the morning with Jerry and his family and then we will head to Everett for the afternoon and have dinner at Connie's with my family. We are celebrating my Grandpa's successful completion of radiation as well! Happy Easter!

Taylor is officially avoiding the camera! Hence the reason you can't see her face in very many pictures lately!

Now you know why all the eggs are cracked :)

Maddie, Kitrick, Abbey and Taylor

Aren't these beautiful?

Our sweet girls...ready for the Easter Bunny to come and visit!

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