Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Break~ Day 2!

Today was another absolutely beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest and we decided to take full advantage of the weather because I know it's going to change back to the rain sooner than later! We were in the car by 8:30 and at our friends house by 9 to head up to the Point Defiance Zoo! We had an absolute blast! We were at the gates by the time it opened so it was not crowded at all which was really nice. The girls were troopers and walked around the majority of the zoo. Taylor's favorite animal this visit were the elephants, Maddie's favorite were the Polar Bears and mine was the Beluga whale! The whale kept swimming right by the glass and the girls thought this was fantastic! Another great day! I will leave you with too many pictures but it sums up our very fun day!

The girls first spotted 2 peacocks walking about- they were very excited about this and tiptoed over to check things out!

You gotta love the monkey's!

My favorite pictures are this one and the next one. The girls were fascinated by the whale.

Another of my favorites. Maddie was trying to "touch" the whale!

Taylor letting loose at lunch!

Maddie in the kids zone enjoying the swing sets and climbing area.

Maddie feeding the goats. Taylor put food in her hand but wouldn't feed them. go figure.

The highlight of the trip- the carousel. My girlfriend and I almost fainted when we noticed it was free! You have to love that!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Just have to say I don't think you can have "too many pictures" =) At least I hope not ... I post way more than enough!!