Sunday, September 26, 2010

First Days of School.....

I know we've already been in school for 13 whole days (trust me, I know, I've been counting!) and I also know that I had promised first day of school pictures. I'm sorry! Life has been, well, hectic! A lot of transitions for all of us- new school, in school all day and getting up early. I'm sad to say that I only have one picture for now. Carolyn took all the first day pictures of Taylor and she is gone until the middle of October on a trip and my friend Krista took the pictures of Maddie and I'm still waiting on those pictures as well. I'm just thankful for our family and friends who are able to help us on days like these. It is one of the few days of the school year that I wish I was a stay at home mom!
Taylor has had a much more difficult time adjusting to going to school all day then I had anticipated. The first week and a half she had huge meltdowns as soon as we walked in the door in the afternoons. She has been exhausted and STARVING :) I don't think any of you will be surprised to learn that Taylor spends more time talking at lunch then eating which has been a whole other issue with her! If the girl doesn't eat it becomes quite horrible for all involved :) Despite all of that, she is absolutely loving her teacher, enjoying her 3 recesses chasing the boys and is eating up all the new curriculum being thrown at her! She's a happy girl!

Maddie is doing well at her new pre-school. If you ask her if she likes it, she tells you NO! But deep down I think she actually loves it. When I asked her why she didn't like it, she told me her recess was too short...I had to laugh! She better get used to that! She is having fun though and I am loving that she is so excited about the work that she is doing! Now if we could just get her to sleep past 5 a.m. in the mornings life would be fantastic! By 4pm she is one tired girl!

Here is Maddie with her friends, Macie, Abigail and Kaylin!

Dave's start to the school year has been busy. Lots of meetings, lots of parents, a few drug busts (scary, isn't it? Middle school.) and he even had to pin a student down last week who was out of control. Despite all that, he is doing an amazing job. His job is demanding and I don't think I tell him enough how proud I am of him for doing what he does!

Me? Well, this is the first weekend I've felt relaxed since school started. Do I have a crew this year, let me tell you! Fun, super loving but holy terrors on wheels! I feel like I have my word cut out for me this year but am also excited to see where I can take these kids! My favorite moment this year so far...I'm reading a story (I swear, it's the only time they are quiet!) and a boy comes in, sits down after going to the bathroom and promptly announces (while I'm reading) in a big loud voice: "DANG IT! I FORGOT TO WIPE MY BUTT!" Really? Do you see what I'm talking about?? Patience, patience and more patience! :)

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