Monday, June 6, 2011

She's 7!

It's hard to believe that Taylor turned 7 over Memorial Day Weekend! She has grown up so much over the course of this year. Dave and I look at each other in pure wonder at the beauty, wit and pure smarts this girl has got going for her. She is our sensitive, caring and artistic girl. We couldn't be any more proud of her! In typical Myers fashion, we celebrated her big day on more than one occasion....

With friends and family at the Black Hills Family Center.....

Where everyone was all smiles....

And were able to run, jump, skip, hop (you name it!) about freely.....

and even create a very large parachute together.

And of course, there were favorite meals shared....chicken wings, green beans with bacon and fettucine from Grandma Kathy (and let's not forget a house decorated for her big day!) and on her real birthday, homemade pizza!

And what's a birthday without presents? She was very excited to see a new bike waiting for her when she got up in the morning!

And even more surprised to see a special gift from Papa and Grandma Lynette! Rebecca (and Taylor) is loving her new outfits!

And you have to have your favorite dessert on your birthday! Nuddy Buddies were her choice this year!

And you always have to end your big day with a game right? She is quite good at pictionary!

Taylor- we all love you SO much! We are blessed to have you in our lives! Happy Birthday!

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