Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tea Party

Dave and I were invited to attend a Tea Party at Taylor's school last Friday.

It was a year end celebration to congratulate the kids on how far their writing had come throughout the school year. Taylor had written and illustrated 5 books. My favorite? The book titled Sometimes. It reads..."Sometimes I am mad because of my sister. She just tries to make me mad a lot on purpose. She steps on me, but always says she didn't see me there. Sometimes I am sad because of my sister. She argues with me about anything. Sometimes I feel very, very happy because of my sister. She plays and pretends lot with me. It is really fun! My sister is my favorite friend. She is on the top of my list. She is my best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best sister. I love my sister! Sometimes my mom makes me clean my room. I love my mom. Sometimes my dad let's me eat candy. I love my dad. Sometimes I am really, really, really happy. That's why I love my family. The End." By Taylor Myers

Taylor read to us from her journal that she had been keeping all year.

Daddy was able to sneak away from work to join in on the fun.

Taylor informed me that when we drank from our tea cup that our pinkies were to be facing out!

It was a great day to celebrate Taylor as a writer! We are so proud of her!

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